Ruby wedding scrabble word art

We now have a 1 week lead time on most products apart from certain frames. Please get in touch first if you need something by a certain date and we will try our best to help Thank you Lana xxx

led lights can be added

Treat someone special to a little something they'll never forget and you'll be able to stand back and see their eyes light up from the moment it arrives. With a simple, timeless way of displaying names and loving messages, you'll be able to give a gift that will never fade from memory. Perfect for weddings, house warming parties or just those little surprises that make sure a loved one knows how much they mean to you. Enjoy!

Ready to create your own Scrabble Family Name Box?
- Share the names of your loved ones you want to include so we can check they fit!
- Add an optional date to the tag for a truly thoughtful finishing touch you'll love
- Pick how you want to decorate the frame: butterflies, diamantes and hearts and more to choose from

What's included?
We want to make sure you love everything about your latest purchase from us, which is why you'll get:
- 9 inch box frame complete with stand for effortlessly stylish display
- optional Battery operated LED lights attached to the back of the frame
- A choice of frames that can be made to match any home decor or wedding theme!

When will your Scrabble Family Name Box arrive?
Everything we do is handmade, so please allow up to 10 working days for your masterpiece to land on your doorstep.