Family cute portrait

Most items have a 7 day turn around. Any queries please contact us Lana xxx

full personalisation

🎀🎀🎀Beautiful deep box frame 🎀🎀🎀
A very unique and special gift
 Frame size 11/9"  with own stand
Please message me first if you have any special requests.
Please can you give as much detail for each person in the boxes provided for example :
Rough age
Hair colour/length/straight/curly/wavy
tallest or shortest.
Further personalisation for clothing and or objects.
Please see examples below
Person 1 ....Brett, 6ft, 30ish, dark short hair, likes jeans and hoodie, likes football.
Person 2......Lauren 5.6", 30 ish, long blonde wavy hair, wears short skirts and blouses, loves shopping and drinking Prosecco and always on her mobile.
Person 3......Maddie 25yrs, long blonde straight hair, wears jeans and t shirt, loves walking the dog (daschund).

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